Monday 14 March 2016

Temples were dismantled in India and shipped to Cambodia!

Angkor Vat and Cambodian temples built in India?
A mystic says that the Cambodian temples at Angkor Vat and elsewhere were built and carved in Tamil Nadu and then transported alongwith elephants to Cambodia. The stones were numbered and dismantled before shipping them. Once in Cambodia they were reassembled and re-carved. Cambodians were not adept at assembling temples, the mystic says. He is Swami Nithyananda. But then the temples have foundation inscriptions that mention the year of their consecration. They say that this means that the assertion is incorrect. A believer says that Nithyananda has the "highest genes on the planet".
"... The Funan period saw extensive Indianisation in the region, in particular from the north Indian Gupta dynasty and the Pallava dynasty of Tamil Nadu, the latter of whom Nithyananda credits with this remarkable feat of engineering and logistics. ..."
"... On the question of dating the temples, ... there is naturally some academic debate about the flows of trade and culture between this region and the Indian subcontinent. “There is obviously some Pallava influence on Khmer culture, among others, but to suggest that it was transplanted here wholesale is frankly ludicrous, and flies in the face of an overwhelming body of evidence to the contrary.”
More fatally to the Swami’s claims, there are hundreds of temples scattered across Cambodia whose construction corresponds with the Pallava dynasty’s time in Cambodia. These are all, however, constructed from brick, not stone, and were not carved. ..."

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