Saturday, 27 February 2016

Mapping Countries By Attribute Population - Cartogram

Cartograms are an eye opener, another way to understand a geographic space
Firstly, it's inherent in the design of world maps that they are distorted because the spherical earth is represented on 2-D paper. And then when countries sizes are shown on the basis of population, the map that we are so accustomed to in our minds goes for a complete rejig or redo. Here's a private attempt to understand the world on the basis of population.
"... The map resizes countries based on their population. It's simple: Each square represents 500,000 people. ..."
"... But to be more accurate, both maps aren't actually maps, they're cartograms — graphics that scale a region's geographic space according to a particular attribute.
In the case of TeaDranks' cartogram, the attribute is population. A quick look at it, and a few ideas pop out:
    India has almost caught up with China as being the most populous country in the world.
    Nigeria quickly has become Africa's population hub, with more than twice as many people as any other country on the continent.
    Cities like Delhi, India, and Shanghai, China, have more people than some European countries.
    The U.S. makes up less than 5 percent of the world's population. ..."
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