Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Cooling Solution That Is Energy Efficient. Private Enterprise.

Jointless Pipes carry water and water is circulated.
Modern technology is used to provide an effective cooling solution. You lay joint less polypropylene pipes on roof and walls with water flowing through them and connect them to a circulation tank. Pipes can be covered. A small pump and fan for the radiator are needed. Solar panel can provide the power. They call it thermodrain and is costing Rs. 100/sqft. This may not be as effective everywhere. Humidity also plays its roll.
"... has now developed a modern solution that mimics the age-old techniques used in constructing heritage buildings. ..."
"... heritage buildings like Taj Mahal, Lotus Temple and Gol Gumbaj ensure a cooler clime inside is that they have thick walls that act as a barrier to heat. The scale of construction was always grand, resulting the structure acting as a heat capacitor. And a water body close to the building drains the heat stored ..."
"... Water will pass into the tank through a radiator, which releases the heat stored in the water into the atmosphere and recirculates cooler water through the house, resulting in temperature of the structure being brought down. ..."
"... had this system installed at the smarak three years ago. We then switched from a 72-ton AC system to a 42-ton one, saving a lot of money. ..."

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Let Us All Gear Up! Project ANI.

For Whom Is The News Meant? .. Architecture News India ..?
Ok Now, Let's Gear Up. For Whom Is This News Meant?
   The Project 'News Architecture India' is meant for Architects, Consultants, allied service providers, Contractors, Fabricators, Vendors, Manufacturers, Suppliers and the 'General Public', of course. In fact, the 'General Public' is the main recipient (let's make it clear as we begin) or the intended audience, because the news over here shall be from general or normal news sources.
   Now, the following shall be covered or 'touched': 'Building', 'Construction', 'Technology', 'Design' of course, whenever they are touching or nearing Architecture', ok? This is being mentioned specifically. You attempt something like this, and then you'll figure the reason of our mentioning it like this (sit pretty in a couch for hours together with eyes shut and think and then you'll figure). Go Figure. They are all very vast realms or subjects in themselves.
   The following is guiding us and shall be apparent as we trundle along: Method (includes Design Solutions), Technique, Technology, Science. ModusOperandi? Yes.

Base is "Architecture".

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Proof Lies In The Pudding

Background Checks? Owner is an Architect
Proof lies wherever. The owner, founder of Ether Domains is an Architect and runs his own small tootaa phootaa Consultancy. Visit Environs and you may download the visiting card from there.
The Proof Is In The Pudding.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Infosys Mysuru to display expertise to UD Ministry - Smart Cities

Mysuru Campus as precedent for Smart City India
Infosys is set to leverage its 'showcase Mysuru Campus' capability, ability and provide its expertise to the Urban Development Ministry in building Smart Cities. They have a precedent set, in other words, in smart infrastructure planning and sustainable building technology. They will develop their 350 acre campus, a mini city, as a model smart city to demonstrate advances in Urban Development. It's got 12 million square feet built up area and can house 15,000 trainees, 8,000 employees and several thousand contract workers. Infosys uses radiant cooling, day lighting and effective retrofit strategies to reduce energy consumption. The Command Centre will be in Bangalore.
"... The $8.3-billion company's smart city concept is based on leveraging the power of data and technologies in building and using IT to minimise energy and resource consumption, increase use of renewable energy and reduce waste. ..."
"... "With our experience in computing technologies and in managing urban spaces totalling 2,600 acres, with a built-up area of 39 million square feet across the country, our model ecosystem at Mysuru will serve as an example of smart city innovations," Sikka said on the occasion. ..."
"... "The command centre analyses data of energy consumption, building operations and uses advanced algorithms for energy saving, predictive maintenance to ensure operational excellence," the statement added. ..."

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Energy Efficient Design - Architecture Curriculum

India must change focus from emissions and cuts to areas like energy efficiency.
The Prime Minister calls for pushing green technology and international cooperation. He has called for a review of the curricula in architecture and civil engineering colleges so that energy-efficient design is incorporated majorly. Preparations for INDCs (Intended Nationally Determined Contributions) was discussed.
"... India must highlight its achievements in energy efficiency, conservation and clean energy and see what more can be done in these areas, instead of focusing solely on emissions and cuts, Prime Minister Narendra Modi suggested.
Speaking at the first meeting of the revamped high level panel on climate change, Modi also called for setting up a consortium of nations with high solar energy potential, an official statement said. ..."
"... INDCs are steps every country is expected to take to tackle climate change, keeping in mind their domestic circumstances and goals. These submissions will form the basis for negotiations at the United Nations (UN) climate change conference in Paris in December. India is expected to submit its INDCs to the UN by June. ..."
"... a paradigm shift in global attitudes towards climate change, from carbon credit towards green credit ..."
"... “The prime minister said India looks at the global concern and awareness on climate change, as a great opportunity for working towards improving the quality of life of its citizens, and making a positive contribution for mankind,” the statement added. ..."

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